Wilsons Promontory Revitalisation

The Victorian Government is investing $23 million to revitalise Wilsons Promontory National Park. It will become Victoria’s largest conservation sanctuary and have improved visitor experiences.

The current proposed scope for Wilsons Prom Revitalisation includes:

  • an exclusion fence across the Yanakie Isthmus – together with conservation programs, the fence is designed to stop destructive introduced species, helping make the national park a sanctuary where native animals and plants can thrive
  • an upgrade of the visitor area at Tidal River with improved toilets, seats, shelter and a renewed visitor centre
  • additional cabin-style accommodation outside the northern park boundary, and at Tidal River
  • upgrades to the Wildlife Walk to make it all-abilities accessible
  • a new Telegraph Saddle trail to connect Tidal River and Mt Oberon.

Parks Victoria is doing feasibility studies, assessments and talking to the community about their ideas and preferences.

For more information log on to engage.vic.gov.au/wilsons-prom.


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