The Nursery Production Farm Management System

The Nursery Production FMS will help you to meet your environmental obligations in plant sourcing.

More and more the general public want to know where the products they purchase come from and how they are produced. Consumers certainly want the products they use to be of a suitable quality and price, but as they become more aware of the environmental issues faced by the world, they also want to make sure that what they purchase isn’t having a negative effect on the environment or their community. Consumers also expect companies to care about the environment; in fact a recent Nielsen poll revealed that globally 81 per cent of consumers feel that companies should help to improve the environment*. As a result, companies need to respond to this increased demand by being more responsible in how and where they source their products.

You can’t see what happens behind the scenes at a production nursery, so judging which production nursery is going to deliver you the best product without compromising the environment is difficult. There is however a way for you to limit that risk and check a nursery’s environmental credentials and that’s by sourcing plants from a production nursery accredited through the Nursery Production Farm Management System or Nursery Production FMS. The Nursery Production FMS accredits production nurseries, as well as growing media manufacturers and greenlife markets, against key industry standards and is made up of three programs:

In operation for over a quarter century, the core program is the Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA). It covers industry best practice in crop hygiene, crop management, general site management and water management. NIASA provides a level of assurance around consistent product quality and performance as well as signalling that a business is safe, sustainable and professional. NIASA is also endorsed through the Smart Approved Water Mark scheme in recognition of the real water savings generated through the program.

EcoHort is a dedicated industry specific environmental management system, which is designed to further assist NIASA businesses improve their business and environmental sustainability through a risk assessment and continuous improvement process. The core issues addressed include water, pesticides, waste, land and soil use, energy, pollution, and biodiversity as well as invasive plants. Businesses that are certified through EcoHort are proactively managing their environmental impact and minimising risk for their customers.

BioSecure HACCP is the industry’s dedicated on farm biosecurity management program designed to assist NIASA accredited businesses to systematically assess and manage their current and future pest, disease and weed risks. Based on HACCP principles (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) this program anticipates and prevents biosecurity issues before and during production rather than only relying on an end point inspection. This is vital given the potential impacts that can be caused by plant pest and disease on the environment.

Each of the three programs are independently audited by professionals, which means you can be assured that accredited businesses meet the best standards in the industry.

Purchasing your plant stock from a NIASA accredited production nursery is a clear sign to your customers that you consider and value the environment in your sourcing.

* article/2018/global-consumers-seek-companies-that-care-about-environmental-issues/

For more information on the Nursery Production FMS and a list of accredited businesses, visit the website at:

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