Darwin Plant Wholesalers has operated since 1974 and still boasts its original owner, Darryl South.
In the beginning, Darryl started in the landscape and design industry and saw the need to produce and grow his own plants and trees, giving his business an edge to his competition. Darwin Plant Wholesalers now grows a huge range of landscaping needs, indoor and outdoor, tube stock, advanced trees and plants up to 300 litres. They grow to order from tubes, tissue culture and cuttings from a variety of plants ranging from Frangipani’s to Radermachera summerscent.
Darwin Plant Wholesalers services and provides many of Darwin and surrounding suburbs’ landscaping needs, via landscaping contractors and the local government, as well as many other interstate companies.
Darryl offers sound practical advice to local government and landscapers regarding suitable plantings for area development in the Northern Territory drawing on his vast experienced and historical knowledge.
Darwin Plant Wholesalers prides itself on customer service, horticultural advice and quality products. They offer quality soil products and fertilisers in small bags and bulk, specific to Territory conditions, competitive shipping rates and have extensive experience in packing and transporting of plants.
Darwin Plant Wholesalers is the largest tropical nursery in Australia, employing 40 people with production areas of 50 acres on a 130-acre site. They send a wide range of stock all over Australia including trees, palms and indoor plants.
For more information visit www.darwinplants.com.au