The Kings Park Special, known for its vibrant red blooms and resilience, has been mysteriously dying off in recent years in Western Australia, leaving experts baffled.
Colin Groom from Domus Nursery has raised concerns, noting some Kings Park Special (Callistemon citrinus) specimens are struggling to survive, even though many are perfectly healthy around his nursery in the Perth hills.
“Theories abound—falling water tables, pests, or disease—but the cause remains a mystery,” said Groom. “From mature street trees to young plants and even nursery stock, no stage of growth is immune.”
Further investigation
This decline is a significant issue, as the Kings Park Special is widely planted across parks, gardens and streetscapes.
Lisa Passmore, Executive Officer of NGIWA, has also observed this trend.
“We lost a 40-year-old tree in our garden with no clear cause. Kings Park staff note similar patterns in other mature specimens around Perth,” said a concerned Passmore.
Some speculate breeding for traits like longer flowering and larger blooms may have inadvertently compromised longevity.
To uncover answers, further investigation is needed. It would be great to have the industry share their insights and help solve this puzzle.
Please contact Christine Stanton, Executive Officer at LIAWA on to join the conversation.